Baby Shower Movie Game

Planning games for my sister’s baby shower I was under-inspired. I hit the Pinterest boards and Google to find new (i.e. not lame) games for the group of  30-somethings attending the co-ed shower. Still, there were just the classic clothes-pined, baby-food-guessing, bingo-centric games that I’vs always seen.

My sisters and I share a common love of movies: quoting, watching, watching again, etc. I thought it might be fun to include movies into a game and came up with a “guess that movie poster” game based on the theme that she was having a baby boy.

I found 10 movies with the word BABY in the title, and 10 with the word BOY in the title. I then Photoshopped the title off of the the image, and printed it side by side the original on letter paper. Folded the paper in half and using clothes pins, strung the posters onto my boards with the title side down. I did this so after the guessing, I could “Vanna White” reveal the original.

I gave each player a printout of all 20 photoshopped posters up on one sheet, and a pen. They had to write the name of the movie/tv show/book. The person with the most correct answers won the prize.

Tie breaker included placing them in “due date” (release date) order.

I got many complements on the game so I thought I would put it up for sharing. Hope you think it’s fun, too!

we can rule out “mello”

He who has not yet been named started kicking this week (23). Pretty similar to his brother so far. Lots of evening activity, and basically anytime I get a chance to rest, there he is, letting himself be known.

On another note, I got the chance to surprise (most) of my Wisconsin family with the news of my pregnancy. During our visits, there was a wide range of time it took for people to tell, and some just needed to be told. I guess I’m not as huge as I feel! Happy times overall, now if I could just locate my luggage…

oh, boy!

I’m happy to report Orrin will have a little brother to play with soon.

The ultrasound tech, after confirming we wanted to know the gender, confidently declared my latest parasite is a boy. She then showed us blurry moving images and pointed out the proof. It was pretty hilarious!  The little guy was already holding his ear and sucking his fist. Apparently he has long legs in addition to a well-defined member.

Back to the Kaiser vs. Sutter comparison. I was instructed to drink 24 oz of water before arriving to the office, and then got to sit there for over an hour while the registrar waffled over which medical record number they needed to use to check me in. I understand it was in my best interest financially, but seriously, who cares? Just give me my ultrasound and figure out the paperwork on your time, preferably when I don’t have an extremely full bladder!

Getting bigger…

…and wondering who is in there! One more week until we find out if it’s a boy or girl, woohoo!

So far I’ve been doing great, just some sporadic back pain when I walk or stand too much.

Orrin is keeping me busy, that is for certain! We have music and gymnastics once each week, and then of course there is the daily walk. I just mapped it out on Google, our normal route is about 1 mile round trip. On a good day, he walks/runs most of the way (pushing his cart). On a more cranky day I get to carry him (and the cart) home. I’d say those are my more painful back days! I wonder if there is any connection???


Oh! There you are.


Well, got to go back for a second ultrasound (so fun), this time they were able to see a little bean in there, and already moving and flipping around. Seriously? I was hoping for a mellow one this go round! Estimated 9 weeks, 6 days at the time, which puts my initial due date within range, so we’re  looking at March 19-23. Might have matching birthdays! Cool, then people will be less concerned with how old I am turning and more interested in the little one 🙂

So far the experiences Sutter vs. Kaiser are night and day. Not better/worse, just different. Kaiser is definitely more clinical where at Sutter it felt more home-y. But I could use a healthy balance of both. Realized I should put my Doc’s office number on speed dial, because the bureaucracy of changing an appointment online is amazingly difficult. Live and learn. Now, to map out a route to the hospital that will be 20+ miles away. (Instead of <2) Why did I change insurance again?

Anybody in there?


Had my first ultrasound (the super comfortable one) to determine how far a long I am and it was…indeterminable. She looked around for a while, and well, couldn’t find anything of note. I know my husband and I are hobbit-ish, but come on, this is an ultra-sonic device. We are not THAT small people!

So I will get to go in again in 3 weeks, around my estimated carrying length of about 9 weeks. Odds are we should get a better look then.

Good News


After 2 months of practice without the goalie, I had a hunch one morning so I took the test and well, I guess I passed? Is that the right sentiment? Well, I certainly didn’t fail.

Two pretty pink lines, yeah! So we’re really going through with this. Getting ready for child 2/4 (2nd baby, 4th kid in the house).

Took a picture of the achievement on my phone and sent it to Jeran who was already at work. As expected, I immediately received a phone call. What? Huh? Already? Wow. Where are you going to put another kid?

Yikes, I don’t think I could convince Jeran to build ANOTHER room onto the house. I just got it the way I want it — I don’t want to move either, because I finally met some neighbors (it only took 3 years) haha.

Preliminarily, I think the baby will stay in our sitting room for a few months, then gradually transition to room with Orrin. Siblings share rooms all the time, why should this be such a faux pas?

Now onto the more clinical things like due dates and genders… nope. Don’t know any of that yet (except it’s around March 19 – according to the interwebs). I have my first physical visit with the mad scientists –  I mean OBGYN – early August, which will determine our current state of health and prospective due date.